For Mom’s Happiness -1 ‘The Beginning’

rahulchandra 2018-02-01 Comments

It has been more than a year since I have met my mother. Being her only child we share a strong attachment. I have just finished packing my luggage as I leave for Bangalore to meet my mom. A flurry of thoughts from my childhood and the hardships faced by her in bringing me up had filled my mind.

Though my father is a gentle, kind-hearted man he failed to keep the marital bond strong. He had been a great father but a poor husband. Well, I totally empathize with him and believe that none can successfully fulfill all the desirable social roles as per expectations of the society.

My care and concern for mom increased greatly in the past few years as she had been living separately from daddy. I call her every other day and keep a tab on her well being to see that she is happy. I sincerely try to fulfill my duties as a caring, responsible son in every possible way.That’s the least I can do for her.

Since I have moved to Mumbai and taken up a well paying corporate job, I have started dating woman. Till then my mom used to keep a strict vigil on me and ensured that I stayed away from girls so that I can focus on my studies well. Thanks to her.

However, I had been filled with intense and persistent thoughts since the past few weeks about my mother’s sexual life as I just began having one. It’s hard to believe that she had been away from any kind of physical intimacy, sex for the past 7-8 years. Even before due to my father’s medical issues they didn’t have a strong sex life. I was worried that she is not really happy with her life.

My mother, though being beautiful and having a lot of male attention, she had been really strong in controlling her physical desires. Women of her physical attractiveness can effortlessly find ways to satisfy sexual urges. My mom chose the other way and went on to maintain chastity. She strongly avoided any unnecessary male attention, interaction, and affairs etc. I immensely respect her for that.

However, the dissatisfaction, frustration from being devoid of intimacy can be visible to her in many ways. She used to feel bad about her failed marriage especially when she comes across happy couples. Though not explicitly said sexual happiness is also a part of it.It’s quite natural that every human needs physical intimacy to be healthy and happy. All through the journey from Mumbai to Bangalore and later, I thought of the way to help mom with this. I finally came up with an idea.

The initial few days with mom in Bangalore went so happily with shopping, catching up with relatives. I was badly waiting for the opportunity to talk and question her openly about her sexual life, needs. Though I was very reserved around mom in childhood as she used to discipline me strictly. I was rather more open with my father. However, things changed in recent times.Being a mature and responsible son my mother is very open with me in almost all aspects except the sexual aspect. She is a very religious, conservative lady as you people might have already realized. It would be very tough to talk to her about sex.

I didn’t want to delay any further and face the challenge head-on. On a weekend, when she gets free time and respite from her administrative duties at the college she works at, we sat over a cup of evening tea. After discussing some financial matters I had asked her to listen to me with a calm mind and not to interrupt me until I complete.

I’ve said, ” Amma, you have done various sacrifices and brought me up despite several hardships and today I am well settled, happy with my life. My only concern is that you haven’t been able to enjoy life the way one should. You deserve better”.

Mom: I agree on Rahul, but that’s ok for me. I don’t have any complaints. Everyone has to make some or the other sacrifices and compromises. My job is satisfying. Above all, I have such a loving son. What else can I ask for?

Me: That’s true Amma.Your words have further strengthened my respect for you. But life lets you live only once. You need to enjoy it to the fullest and satisfy your desires to attain happiness. I don’t want you to bear any more sacrifices. It might also affect your mental health.

Mom: I don’t get you exactly dear. What do you want me to do? Please be specific and clear.

Me: Sure Amma.I want you to be physically happy,sexually satisfied. I am old enough to understand the pain you undergo in overcoming your urges. I don’t want you to do that anymore. You only got few more years to experience it and it’s after all a basic human need. How long will you be deprived ? How long will you suppress your desires ? I am sorry If I had offended you. My only intention is to see you happy.

Mom: (Was puzzled,frozen for a moment) I never thought I would have to talk about sex with you. However, I appreciate your concern which shows how much you think about my well being. Are you suggesting me to go for extra marital affairs ? I am only living separately,not divorced as you know. Society may label me and insult me. It will affect your life too.

Me: Amma forget about the society. I have already planned on how to go about it in a safe and secure manner. Just think about yourself and your needs. Be selfish for a moment. Please.

Mom: It’s not that easy Rahul. Anyways, I need some more time to clear my conscience and decide. Please don’t bring up the issue again until I myself respond.

Days were passing and my leave period is nearing its end. I was being more anxious since the conversation with mom and worried if my words would have any effect on our relationship. Mom was behaving quite normal with me since then. I think she must be internally brainstorming about it. She seems to be lost in thoughts at times. Well, on one night after dinner we watched tv and once mom is done it’s her favourite serials we moved to the bedroom.

Mom and I share the same double bed since our childhood. She usually lays her hand over me while sleeping and I press her feet before sleeping every time. That night mom finally opened up about her decision – ” Rahul, the other day you requested me not to suppress my urges and desires. I have gathered courage and made up my mind to give it a try. I don’t want to disobey my grown-up son. But I only want to do it for a brief period and not being addicted to it. At the same time, I want utmost privacy, secrecy so that our personal, family image and respect isn’t affected in any way.”

Me: Amma, I appreciate your bold decision and glad that finally, you are thinking about yourself. I have a plan to carefully handle your sexual encounters.

Mom: What is the plan ? How will you manage? Please explain Rahul.

Me: I would look for decent, educated men who have respect for women and are on the same boat as you and are looking for sexual pleasure. I shall arrange secure meetings where you can meet and mutually satisfy each other.

Mom: Well, I am not interested in details. I just believe in you and do as you instruct. Good night Rahul.

Mom’s eventual consent was totally unexpected and I was really encouraged to go ahead. I started visiting dating sites to look for genuine, decent single men. I don’t want to go for gigolos and involve money into this whole thing. I wish a real and respectful sexual partner for mom. Finally, I ended up with few men’s profiles after filtering many from the lists. I have contacted them and verified their personal details. I have even asked for their latest medical test reports. I have also explained them about my mom’s background briefly and my expectations from them. I have set some ground rules for them :
1. No use of force in any way during the sexual act
2. Mom will choose the positions or acts based on her interest. Her ‘no’ should be respected
3. No oral sex should be demanded from her
4. No one should be interested in our personal, family details
5. Following the intercourse, no further contact should be maintained with me or mom.
6. Place and time will be decided by me.

Finally, I have selected three men from the lot who accepted the rules of the act. In the mean time, I have got the permission of my friend to use his farmhouse on the outskirts of Mysore. I asked him for having a private party.

I informed mom that everything is ready as per plan. Now it’s up to her to be mentally prepared and decide a time and date for her sexual encounter. She chose the next Sunday afternoon. We again had a serious talk about the encounter. I boosted her morale and made her feel confident. I was glad to hear that she doesn’t consider mutual consensual sex anymore to be a sin. But she stressed upon the point that she doesn’t want to be emotionally involved with the men and shall strictly do it for physical pleasure. I supported her decision and assured that I already had got ground rules in place. Then we went to bed and I slept in her warm motherly embrace.

Later I talked to the men I have selected and have picked one among them for the first encounter on Sunday afternoon. He was told that he will be informed about the venue only on Sunday early morning and should manage to reach accordingly. Then I received a request from the man to at least describe mom and her physical beauty. I obliged as I was demanding the whole time.

I now had to describe something which I never thought about. I have seen mom naked many times while she used to change in front of me without hesitation. But never had a keen observation in a sexual way. However, her beauty is strongly appealing. She is a tall woman (5’9) with a long hair reaching below her waist. Men admire her for her long and thick black hair. She is well built and curvy with right fat at the right places with a relatively slim waist. Her wheatish complexion of the face is in contrast to the milky white skin colour of her other body parts especially her legs, thighs. Her thighs are a tight and heavy. The ass on the back is a bit more curvy like a typical Indian women. One could hardly find traces of hair on her body except for the private parts which gives a smooth feeling to her body. Her breasts are well grown, firm and are milky white except for the dark nipples which sit like a cherry on the cream cake. Her deep, sharp eyes are surrounded by the beautifully shaped eyebrows.

A chill passed through my spine while I was describing to the man on the phone. Though I was not aroused but I can guess how excited the guy must be. On the D-day, the Sunday morning mom was dressed up in a yellow cotton sari. She didn’t put any makeup or lipstick, but was effortlessly beautiful. I felt how lucky the guy must be and I was feeling like I was doing a kanyadaan of my mom to another guy. A fatherly

feeling was gripping me. It was overwhelming. We reached the farmhouse and a few hours later the guy reached there on time. He was very polite and well mannered. I was glad about that. I took his mobile away and did a bit of frisking for security purposes. He laughed at me and assured that don’t worry dude, I shall treat your mom with respect and handle her like a delicate flower.

Mom was waiting in the room inside. The room could only be bolted from outside and I had an emergency alarm button set behind the bed and informed mom about it. I wished mom to have a good time and waited outside. The guy entered the room.

My mind was rushing with thoughts, I was thinking of how dad would feel if he gets to know. I am sure that he is the kind of man who would understand and let mom live her life to the fullest. My heart was beating fast and was nervous. Forty-five minutes later, the man came outside and thanked me and left immediately as per my rules of conduct. I deleted my contacts from his mobile and bid a final bye with thanks.

I was hesitating to go inside. However, I gathered strength and entered the room and found that mom was taking a shower in the bathroom. The bed was not very disturbed, it seems like the man was really soft with mom.

Mom came outside after freshening up. She was ready to leave. A look into her eyes made me understand that she is fine and cool with what happened. I wanted to ask her about the experience but couldn’t dare to. I gave a warm smile in appreciation and left for home. The same night I flew to Mumbai.

Further episodes will have a vivid description of the future encounters and many twists, turns. I hope you have enjoyed reading it. It was a slow start as it is original. Please share your views, feedback and any other things with me on [email protected]

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