Twist and turns

ISS Admin 2007-07-17 Comments

Hello all ISS fans..!! This is Abhishek Singh, a 17 years old boy from Delhi. I have written many stories in ISS from past one year. But from few weeks I have been quite for some personal reasons. But know there will be some blast from the past by me. Now I will write only insect stories in ISS and I am sure that u will enjoy too much. This story starts from here. Let me start with something that’s important to the story. I was in a happy family when I was younger. A loving and devoted mother, and a father who knew how to build and fix. Then my mother left my father to be with some old high school lover. That sent my father into a spiraling depression that wound up leading to drinking, and several charges of burglary of liquor stores.

Then my sister and I were left to fend for ourselves; but thankfully my father pleads guilty, and no money was needed for legal fees. We gained money for an apartment, and something to keep us stable. Life was hard; then I met my girlfriend. She and I got off well, and it didn’t take long for our relationship to get rather physical. Sex never came into play as it was fondling and playful touching; which she liked more, and I liked just as well. But what was even better was that she and I knew we wanted to take our relationship to the next step after she had turned 18. We’d been getting along so well, and we knew that we’d be friends forever, and perhaps we would get married.

One nice evening my girlfriend, Amy, and I got back to her house to find that her parents were out. Her father had to go on business trip that would be guaranteed to fill the entire weekend, and her mother decided to go with to tour L.A. where they were heading off to. We then knew we had every chance there to finally make our relationship even better. We headed up to her parent’s luxurious bedroom, and were beginning our pleasure. It started by me slowly caressing her mildly exposed midriff pulling her up to a small climax that got her so revved up that it startled me. I continued to caress her smooth stomach, and began to lay her on the bed.

“Hello?!” asked a voice from downstairs. “Amy, are you home?”

‘Shit’ I thought. ‘It’s Amy’s do-good sister who’s learning to become a nun.”

“Fuck,” said Amy. “My sister! This throws a wrench into everything. And I was so…hoping.”

“I was too,” I said trying to slow my breathing, and my heart rate.

Amy quickly pushed her shirt as far down as it could go; and buttoned her tight jeans back up.

We left the room, knowing that we had to be careful what we said to Amy’s future nun sister.

“I hate her,” said Amy softly as we crept to the door. “I don’t believe how she could be my sister with the way my parents are. And the way I am.”

She opened the door, and right there was Amy’s sister, Laurie. “You hate me, huh?”

“Yes,” said Amy, starting a fight that I’ve heard a few times before. “You and your Catholic ways? How can you be like that? No one in our family has ever been-”

“I think I’ll leave now,” I said turning to go downstairs.

“Wait, Rick,” said Laurie. “What were you two doing in my parent’s bedroom?”

“What do you think?” asked Amy. “And I was just reaching my highest peak ever!” Amy was approaching her sister with a flame in her eye. She wanted pleasure, and her sister interrupted it. I left there unsatisfied and listening to Amy spout off to her sister.

When I got home I knew there was something I could do to release the pressure that was beginning to be too much. I stripped, and began to masturbate. I envisioned Amy and her smooth naturally tan colored skin. I thought of how her pussy looked, and how she would sit there and fondle her own breasts as I fingered her. I felt that I would unload in seconds; but I had to stop abruptly when my sister came in.

“Oh, Rick…I-uh didn’t realize…”

I wasn’t embarrassed that she had caught me jerking off; and it certainly wasn’t the first time. She and I had a very healthy respect for one another, and there were plenty of times that I found her fingering herself. And if she or I wanted to go off and jerk off without being disturbed we knew that we could just tell one another, and we would be left along for a while.

“Hey, sis,” I said as my cock began to go limp.

“What’s wrong?” she asked. “You haven’t jerked off in a long time.” She gave me a look, and approached my bed. She sat down, and looked me in the eye. “You and Amy must have come real close, hmm?”

“We were nearly there!” I said. “And she wanted it so bad…and so did I. But her future nun sister just had to come home.”

“It can’t be too bad, really?”

“She was steaming at her sister, and the steam could have been released with a little penetration!”

She laughed loudly at the joke, and was beginning to get more comfortable around me being on the bed naked. I kept thinking of Amy, and I began to get hard again. My sister, Kim, laughed softly.

“Thinking of Amy again?” she asked.

“Yeah,” I said reaching down to stroke my hard cock.

Suddenly I could feel movement on the edge of my bed as Kim got closer to me; but in that moment I was so interested in my jerking off I didn’t pay attention.

“Now sit still little bro,” she said. Suddenly her delicate fingers wrapped around my cock, forcing my hand away. She gracefully and very slowly caressed my cock which was even harder now. Something new was running through me as my pleasure level was off the scale.

“You are…so good at that!” I said. “Don’t stop.”

That’s when I heard her open her mouth, then the very warm and sensual feeling of my cock in her mouth. She moved slowly and pleasantly up and down making it so hard to not want to cum right then. I kept my breathing normal, and I was actually able to prevent myself from cumming right then. Kim was so slow, gentle, and perfect in her movements I felt like my body was going to explode.

“Cum, Rick,” she said. “Right into my mouth. Don’t hold it back anymore. Don’t think of me as your sister anymore and just cum.”

I did what she asked and just let I get swept away by the up and down movements. In a few seconds after I let myself float away, my cock hardened completely and it let go of everything. Not in one spurt, two spurts, but three full spurts. Kim put her hand on my cock again and pushed the last amounts of cum out. She pulled away and stood there holding the huge load of cum in her mouth. She got closer to me so I could see her face. She swallowed the cum greedily, and walked away in a seductive manner. I laid there and thought for a while and thought about what just happened, and wouldn’t mind it happening again. I knew it was my sister, and the one woman who taught me a lot about how to please a woman, and how to get her fired up and keep her that way. I also thought that what she had done was wrong; but I didn’t care. The next morning I looked around the apartment for Kim; but she must have gone off to work. I called into where I worked and found out that I had nothing to do that day, so I could relax for a while. And in that relaxation I kept thinking about the blowjob, the much unexpected one; that I had gotten just the night before.

My cell phone rang, and I picked it up. “Rick,” I said answering my phone.

“Rick?” asked Amy on the other end. “I have some seriously bad news.”

“Shit,” I said sighing. “Don’t tell me, your parents know about our little attempt last night, and I can no longer see you?”

“Thankfully, that’s not all right,” she said with a mildly pleased tone. “But my parents do know about our attempt, and they agree with my sister that we need to wait until we’re married.” She added annoyance to her voice to finish off her complaint. “Damn my sister and her nun-isms.”

I chuckled. “Don’t worry, Amy. There’s nothing they can do to prevent us from finding that moment.”

“No, but they’ll try you know?”

“Yeah,” I said. “I knew you wanted it bad.”

“Bad?” she asked. “I wanted you so bad I spent nearly all last night trying to reach the orgasm you almost got me to.”

“Oh yeah,” I said. “By touching your belly button, and running my fingers across your soft, smooth, tan colored skin. From your tummy to the small of your back, then I was going to slowly and tenderly remove your pants and panties at the same time.”

“Don’t-…don’t do that Rick. You’re getting me hot.” She cleared her throat and tried to hide here breathing.

“Oh?” I asked. I turned on my chair and started again. “Then I was going to run the palms of my hands from your sides down your hips, and down your legs. Then I’ll move back up, this time taking a moment to caress your sides. I’ll reach up your shirt and slowly caress your skin as I pull it off.”

“Rick, I said stop it. We have time for that somewhere else and at another time.”

“Really, when?” I asked.

“I…have to find out, Rick. I have to go, Laurie will be up soon, and if she finds out I’m talking with you…the shit will hit the fan.”

“I’ll be thinking about you,” I said.

“You mean jerking off and think about me?”

“Whatever works,” I said.

She laughed and hung up. I spent the rest of the day organizing the apartment until when Kim got home.

“Clean?” she asked as she came in. “I never thought I’d see the floor.”

I didn’t even respond as I was more interested in talking about the previous night. “Listen, Kim. About last night…”

“Oh, yeah, I was thinking about that myself. That was rather fun, wasn’t it?”

“Yeah,” I admitted. “But what started it? That wasn’t the first time you saw me jerk off.”

“No,” she said. “And I don’t want it to be the last time.” She set her things down, and went right to her bedroom. “No disturbing, little bro,” she said.

I sat down on the couch, and began to surf the channels for something to watch. I muted it when I could hear Kim in her room. I got up and stealthily walked to the door. Sitting down at the door, I prepared myself for a hell of a time.

“Oh, little bro,” she said, obviously imagining having sex with me. “Keep going. Don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t stop! Pump me full of cum!”

Right there I heard her orgasm as she squealed happily, and was silent again. I got up, a raging boner trying to get through my jeans. I sat down on the couch, and began to surf again hoping the boner would fade.

Kim came out of her room and right to me wearing…nothing. “Little bro,” she said. “Tonight, I have a request of you.”

“What?” I asked.

“Be here. I want more of your cum in my mouth.”

“You sure you don’t want it somewhere else?” I asked.

“No,” she said. “But you need to wait on these things. I’ll leave the fucking to you and Amy, k?”

“Okay,” I said.

And just like the night before I lay on the bed stark naked and slowly stroking my cock. And just like the night before Kim came in. The difference was that she was dressed in a sexy robe. She got on the side of my bed and looked right at me.

“You want more?” she asked in a sultry voice.

“Please,” I said.

She leaned over me and began to make out with me very slowly. She was perfect about it too. She kissed slowly, and very passionately. She straddled my waist, still kissing me passionately. When she stopped, her long black hair fell forward and onto my neck and around my face. I reached up and held her waist. I reached into her robe, and pushed it open. She wasn’t wearing a bra, and so I began to caress her supple breasts. Then I ran my hands down and caressed the small of her back and her waist.

“That feels so good,” she whispered. “Push into my skin, Rick. Rub harder.”

But I didn’t listen. I continued to caress her so softly, slowly; I could feel her reaching a climax that she might not have ever experienced before. Then she hit a violent peak, and her body shook. She dropped her waist onto mine and began to violently hump my cock. She had wide panties on, and I never penetrated, unfortunately. She leaned down once again and kissed me passionately. I tried to kiss her back; but she pulled away. “Don’t do that again, little bro,” she said. “I want the cum in my mouth, not on my pussy.” She kissed me again, and moved down to my hard cock. She began to suck on it rather greedily; but was able to move slowly and carefully around the head, and down the shaft. She sucked on it for what seemed like an eternity; but wasn’t any longer than ten minutes until she knew I was going to cum. I began to spurt, and to force it all out she sucked hard, and used her hand. She pulled everything she could out, and then sat up.

Straddling my waist again she showed me that she swallowed the whole load, and was happy to do so.

“Thank you,” I said.

“And it won’t be the last time, little bro.”

She got up, and turned to leave; but before she did she pulled on my cock one last time. Then she was gone leaving me with a fulfilled feeling.

Like the other time, when I got up she was at work. I called into work, and was needed for a full ten hour shift. So I called Amy’s cell phone and told her that I wasn’t going to meet up with her till late.

“Doesn’t matter, Rick,” she laughed. “My sister is gone, and my parents won’t be able to get home for another full two days. My dad’s got double the seminars to present at.”

“She won’t be home, right?” I asked. “Absolutely sure?”

“Back to that damned…place wherever she’s been going.”

“I’m eagerly waiting,” I said.

“I don’t blame you,” she said. “I can’t wait until you…” She moaned as most likely she was reaching down and fingering herself. “You touch me just right.”

I laughed. “I’ll be there,” I said.

The work day was agonizing. I kept thinking about the blowjob, and the pussy I knew I was going to get. I got off work at about seven at night, and raced my car to her house. I got to the door, and there she was to greet me

“I want you, so bad!” she said. She pulled me in, and I began to push the buttons again. I caressed her skin up and down her hips and waist. Then under her panties and to her fine little ass.

Amy is a beautiful woman. Her skin is a natural dark tone, and her natural jet black hair is a little over shoulder length. Her brown eyes weren’t hard to noticed, and the tiny bulge at her waist was just perfect for eye candy. She pushed into me as hard as she could, and tried to get to my hard cock; but could only fumble for my jeans button. She gave up trying, and pulled me up the stairs and into her parent’s room. I pulled off her clothing as fast as I could, then began to strip myself. Amy still had her panties on; but I knew she wanted me to take them off. I kissed her passionately, and in the same manner that my sister kissed me. It got Amy hotter, and she tried to force me into her; but with my underwear on, and her panties, I couldn’t penetrate.

“Take me, dammit!” she shouted. In the heat of her passion she reached down to her panties and ripped them apart. Her virgin pussy stared at me wet and puckered. I dropped my underwear in that instant, and pulled her to me as she sat on the edge of her parent’s bed. I pushed in right then and there. Amy squealed with delight as I pushed in, and pushed in slowly. She didn’t want me to move that slowly, and she forced me to go in harder and faster. When I hit her end, she screamed. To enhance it I pulled all the way out, and pushed back in slowly. I kept doing that until she screamed at me to get with it. I pushed in again and began to slide in and out. I moved at a perfect pace giving her the pleasure she wanted, and what she was getting for the first time. I moved at the perfect pace also so that I would last longer, and I did. I kept moving in and out gradually increasing the speed, and over the course of the next several minutes Amy had six shattering orgasms that caused her to twist and turn on the bed.

“Harder!” she said. “Harder and faster!” So I did what she asked moving in and out as fast as I could; but I knew that at that pace I would cum soon so I slowed down again to lessen the chance of my cumming. “Harder dammit!” she screamed. And to please her I did what she asked. I moved faster, and in only fifteen seconds I knew I was going to cum,

“I’m going to cum!” I told her.

“On my stomach, all of it!” My cock throbbed, ready to spurt, so I pulled out, and laid it on her stomach. She leaned up and watched as my cock began to throb harder and finally spurt out onto her stomach. She watched as it pooled onto her, and with a smile she reached down and stroked my cock pushing out the last of my cum onto her belly.

I pulled away, and looked down at her sweaty, and still hot, body. She smiled at me; then looked at my cock as it began to go limp. “Did you like?” she asked.

“I did,” I said. I leaned down and kissed her passionately. She pushed me away gently, and reached down to her abdomen. She held her hand over the large pool of cum, and was hesitant; but made up her mind. She placed her hand into the cum, and began to wipe it all over her body making it last as much as it could. I held my cock, and decided to go in for another round. I pushed my limp cock into her pussy, and in a few movements it was hard again. She kept wiping the cum on her belly until it dried to her skin. She reached up to me and pulled me down to kiss again. When she stopped, she reached down and pulled my cock out.

“Sleep with me, lover,” she said. She and I got under the covers of her parents bed, and began to dose from the work involved in fucking for so long. But as we dosed, I pushed my hard cock into her pussy from behind, and left it there.

I woke up with a hard on; and my cock inside Amy still. She was still asleep, and I really didn’t want to pull out because it felt so good to have it inside; but I knew that I had to call into work. I pulled my cock out, and right there Amy woke up, and reached down to my still hard cock.

“Put it back in,” she said.

“I wish I could; but I can’t pay bills on nothing. I have to call into work to see what they have for me.”

“I hope it’s nothing,” she said. “I have today off.”

I swallowed hard, and greedily. I wanted to go back in and fuck her; but there were more important things if work can be called important.

I picked up the company cell phone, and called in. “Do I have any work today?” I asked.

“One hour,” was the reply. “Get in now, and you’ll get out in maybe less than an hour.”

“I’ll be in soon,” I said.

I cleaned up real quick, and leaned over to kiss Amy on the lips. “I will be back, babe,” I said. “Don’t shower, k?”

“I have no plans on it,” she said. “I like the feeling of you’re dried cum on me. I want more on me.”

“Wait and hour,” I said. “Maybe less I hope.”

“I’ll hope it’s less,” she said seductively. “I want you so bad still.”

“It’ll make me want to finish faster.”

“Bad idea,” she said making a joke.

I left and went to work. My co-worker knew something was up, and asked. I told, and he wanted every detail. I told him she was waiting for me to get back because she wanted more. He told me that I better finish faster and get back to her. The ‘oven’ as he said, can cool down fast.

He wasn’t right as I raced back to Amy’s house, and into her parent’s bedroom where she was fingering herself, and trying to rub her stomach. She saw me, and helped me strip as fast as possible. She got back onto the edge of the bed, and within a few seconds I was slowly boning her again. She squealed with pleasure as I brought her to climax after climax, and her body was getting hotter. She was like an oven; but didn’t seem to show any signs of cooling off.

“Cum, Rick,” she said. “I want it on me, now!”

I sped up my pace so within a minute I was ready to cum. I pulled out, and laid my hard cock on her stomach again. I came; but not as much as last time. Amy pulled the last of my cum out, and spread it across her stomach again. She sighed happily, and leaned up kissing me.

“You better get going, Rick. If I know my parents they’ll be home in about five hours.”

“One more time, please?” I asked.

She smiled. “My drive is done,” she said. “I’ve had enough…for now. But when we have the chance, we’ll fuck again.”

I smiled back, and kissed her. She got up licking her fingers and going to the bathroom. I cleaned up slightly, dressed, and headed home.

I got home finding Kim dressed seductively, drinking tea, and watching a skin flick.

“I will…be in the bathroom,” I said walking by the T.V. I could see two gorgeous women making out in the movie, and one of them getting fucked as fast as the guy could move.

“Why?” asked my sister. “Is there any reason why you weren’t home last night?”

“Yeah,” I said. “Amy and I fucked, long, slow, and twice.” I laughed. “I need to, shower. I’m a little sweaty.”

Kim moaned, and smiled. “Too bad you’re spent,” she said.

“‘Another blowjob?” I asked.

“Oh, yeah, little bro,” she said. “But I have something for you. On the counter.”

I turned and there on the counter were the cum enhancing pills. On the label it said: ‘Increases the amount of ejaculate by four. With a single dosage every day for a week ejaculate could be increased by eight. Also increases libido so you last longer and can keep going even after ejaculation.’

“What did you get these for?” I asked.

“For you and Amy,” she said. “And me.” She smiled as she looked at me. “Look at the back.”

I turned it around and saw more info. ‘If two pills are taken daily it could enhance your ejaculate by eight in under a week. Libido also enhanced. Side effects can include: unwanted erections, accidental ejaculation, and dependence. Suggested dose of one a day.’

“Take them, bro,” she said. “That way I can get more.”

I laughed and headed for the shower.

I took one of those pills every day like it suggested, and on the occasion one at night. Amy couldn’t talk with me because her parents were taking her out of town so I wasn’t going to get any pleasure any time soon…unless Kim was going to give me another blowjob. After taking those pills for a full week, and resisting the urge to jerk off, I found Kim lying on the couch when I got home from a late night of work. There she was, nude, watching more of the girl on girl while one girl was getting boned. She was slowly fingering herself, and when I walked in she had an orgasm.

“Feel better?” I asked.

“No,” she said. “I want to be fucked so badly.” Right there I got a raging hard on that stuck through my pants. She looked up and saw it. She pulled me closer and began to unzip me. “Then fuck me, big bro,” she said. “Fuck me, Rick. Long, slow, and continuously.”

She pulled my pants off; then my underwear springing my cock out and into her face. She sucked on it greedily almost as if she wanted me to cum right there. She pulled away, and ran her hands up my sides pulling my shirt off. I quickly got naked, and pushed her down on the couch. Her small pussy was reaching for my cock, hungrily pouting. I leaned closer touching my cock to that wet pussy, and there she hit a small climax.

“Push in!” she said. “Now!”

And I did. I slid my cock in as deeply as possible and began to slowly and easily pleasure my sister. She moaned loudly as I fucked her for the first time. She reached up to me and pulled me closer and father into her. I pulled out and stroked my cock, trying to delay cumming; but Kim had other plans. She wanted me badly, and she was going to do anything to make me go back in. She grabbed me and forced me in again. We fucked and we fucked. And I lasted forever. She looked at me and she could tell that I was going to cum soon.

“In my mouth,” she said. “Cum in my mouth!”

But I didn’t want to pull out. I was thinking about when I heard her fingering herself a couple of weeks ago. I wanted to full her up, and the desire to keep going made me not care if I came in her.

“Cum in my mouth, Rick!” she shouted. “I want to taste more of you!”

But I still ignored her and I kept fucking her. Then I knew I was going to cum. I picked up the pace and tried to slide in farther. Then I began to cum. I felt as wonderful as I fucked her harder. My cock throbbed so hard I thought I was going to hurt my sister; but I didn’t. I kept cumming and cumming, and the pills she got for me made it feel even better and made me cum even more than usual. A moment after I started to cum I stopped, and pushed in one last time. I got low and kissed my sister. “That felt good,” I said. She panted heavily and was rubbing herself as hard as she could. Then she snapped into realization. “I haven’t taken birth control pills in months, Rick!” she shouted.

“Oh well,” I said. I began to slide in and out of her slowly, giving her more pleasure again. She leaned back and took in the feeling again. She moaned with pleasure as we fucked a second time, and this time as we fucked I did what she asked. When I was about to cum I pulled out and put it right into her mouth. I came in her mouth and she sucked me clean.

She was done as she lay back down and closed her eyes falling asleep very quick. I leaned down again and kissed her on the lips; then went into my room to lay down on my bed and go to sleep without cleaning up or getting dressed. I woke up the next morning with a hard on and a good feeling running through me. I turned a little in my bed and looked to my door to see Kim there. She was naked and staring at my cock greedily. In that same amount of time she was over to me stroking my cock, then sucking on it. She kept going and going and I never thought I’d finish. Then she stopped and leaned up to lay her head on my chest. She smiled at me and sighed.

“I was thinking about last evening,” she said.

“What about it,” I said reaching down to jerk off.

She stopped me, and put my hand to my side. “That…you came in me and that I haven’t taken any birth control in months.”

“I don’t think that’ll be that much of a problem,” I said. I caressed her face and gently pushed her to my cock. She began to suck on it. She kept sucking until I was about to cum. She pulled on it until I began to spurt and I unloaded in her mouth a full load. She sucked everything out, and sat up to hold it in her mouth. She showed me that she swallowed it and right there my hard on stayed. I wanted to fuck her so bad; but she left my room and for the bathroom.

She left for work, and I knew I wouldn’t get any for a while. I called to Amy’s and got her sister.


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