Journey Towards Homosexuality World

aryabhat 2017-03-31 Comments

Myself Arya Bhat, living in Bangalore, aged 28 and currently I worked as a regional manager in marketing division, I look tall, fair in color and well built muscular body. This is my first story and I will be telling you about my entire sex life in the upcoming stories I hope you all will like and get addicted to knowing my life stories. I will be reachable at [email protected]

Without wasting much time let me tell you the incident which forced me to enter the homosexual world. My family is not so rich and my father is an agriculturist and whatever he was earning was enough to carry out the livelihood but it was not enough to continue my education, after my puc my father joined me to a degree college with the merit seat and the college was in the next city so my father made an arrangement to stay in his relative friend house for a minimal rent and the house owner is the man who changed my life and all the credit for my endless sexual activities goes to him only

So it was in top floor of the house with single room attached bathroom and the owner was living in the first floor and his name is George aged 45 with very dark complexion, he is born and bought up in a country called Somalia and shifted to India 5 years ago for job and he bought a 2 stories house and ground and top floor gave it for rent, he was the person who made me a homosexual guy, he was the sex hunger guy and I can call him the guru for gay sex, he was looking so dark like the pornstar

It all started after 2 months of joining to the rental room, as my college started I use to get up early morning for the exercise and I use to do all the physical exercise to build my body and my dream was to look like super body builder, so my owner George use to come to the top floor in the early morning to switch on the pump for water supply and slowly he started observing me because I use to do all the workout in shorts and a banian and day by day his observation turned into staring at my body and one day he came to me and asked me that do you know yoga and I said no so he said he knows yoga very well, after he came to India he learnt yoga for 3 years and he is the expert in that skill, so he told me that you have a very good body and it will be good to learn yoga so that you can lead a peaceful life. He told me that he is ready to teach yoga for free and he told me that he is very strict and I should not take it carelessly.

After listening to all these I felt it is better to learn yoga and if one expert is teaching yoga for free then why should I say no to him so agreed. he told me that the yoga classes will be in the early morning and I should get up at 5 am for the class and I should take a cold bath before coming to the yoga. I said yes to everything and he started yoga class and it went nicely, every day I use to get up early morning and get ready for the classes. But after some time he started teaching some difficult aasans and whenever I get failed to do that aasans he was punishing me, initial punishment was bit easy and slowly those aasans become very difficult and his punishment also become harsh and kinky, one thing what I observed with him that he was staring at my body all the time and while teaching yoga he use to touch my body purposefully, at that moment I used to hate that

One day again I failed to do the asan and he told that you have failed to this for multiple times so your next class you should do the yoga only in underwear, I was shocked and I said clearly to him that I cannot do yoga half naked and I’m not ready for such punishment, for that he got angry and told me that you are disrespecting your guru so I will not teach you yoga anymore.

I did not felt anything for his words and one moment I felt bad that I lost a guru who teaches me yoga nicely and in the mean time I was happy that he won’t get a chance to stare me or touch me purposefully.

But a bad news was waiting for me and from that everything went so forcefully and changed my life and the views I had on men. I will explain what exactly happened on that day.

George called me one day and he was angry and he was smiling inside because he knew what is going to happen after his words. So he told me that he is going to increase the rent almost double the amount what I use to give him and that was not affordable for me and I was shocked and helpless, in that situation I was not in a position to ask my father for additional money, so I requested him not to increase my room rent but he was not ready to listen to my words instead he told me that you do not have any respect to my words so why should I listen to you, I came back to room after that and started thinking what to do for the room rent because other houses were much costlier and those were not at the affordable price and after thinking for long time I came to a conclusion that I have to convince him so that I can pay the earlier room rent and finish my studies as well.

I went to his house and asked apology for disobeying his words and asked him to give me the punishment, initially, he did not agree with my words but after some time he came with a punishment which shocked me and that lead me to enter the gay world and I got the addiction for the gay sex.

In this part I have told the background of the story if you liked and curious to know what happened next, then please comment below and also write an email to me, I will be reachable at [email protected]

So depending upon the response I will decide to continue the story or not. Thank you all.

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