My Unexpected Gains

ISS Admin 2011-08-18 Comments

By: Wingoldy

[email protected]

Hi, I’m Wingoldy and that is not my real name but this is story which is close to my heart and with permission my sweetheart I’m writing it here. This story about my geography teacher her name was ‘Miss V’. I can’t disclose her name as she doesn’t wan’t it. Now my school is public school with boarding and some day scholars who are local student’s school teacher mostly belong to local community so they were from nebouring towm.

Now let’s begin the epic. Miss V was geography teacher with wierd sense of fashion style. Now she use wear saree but blause was not regular but a Choli. Choli is traditional maharashtrian blause wore by older generation women. Miss V had very slim built and but not curvy built, she was very fair not typical Indian fair but bit more. She had very small nose for her face which was great on face. She was object of attraction between the students and teachers equally.

We used to joke about how other teacher Ogal at her. Miss V was from taluka place and my school was about 15 km from her home town. She uses to go to her hometown every week end. I was a not living in boarding as my home was nearby and use to come to school on bicycle. Life was good school cricket friends till she happened. In class 9 she was our class teacher. And for first time she was to teach us.

She was good teacher but it was geography it was boaring excpt for map readings we had this map book which we have to fill, Miss V use to go to each student and see how we were doing, till then I had just admired her beuty I like our map class and was quite good at it . One day I was diong my map work she was behind my desk telling someone their mistake I was not paying attention to it. Now suddenly she comes near me and she bent to explain my mistakes

This quick event suprise I and I stood up as she was talking to me but she still bent her elbow on desk now what happen was that she gave ampple show of her cleavage to whole clss and she was unaware of it. I had this first hand view of that milky skin. She was not overexposed but this show made me red and bit uncomfertable. She finishes with me and bell rang and I was relived. As she left i notice some movement in my pants, whole class was discussing the events to utter dismay Og girls.

Now some perverts in my class had plan to ask Miss V difficulty in map and have tht show again and they succeded, but this made me fill badly for her but still I enjoyed the show all time. Now when I was in 10 std. we had this extra class in morning and night. On one Saturday we had half day plus one hour of extra class. I had bike then so I can go home in night, now it was Saturday and I was in hurry I was late for cricket match. I started my bike and just crossed parking lot

I saw Miss V and she wave at me as I stopped she ask me I can drop her at bus stand. She smelled different may be it was her perfume and sweat mixing. Her choli was wet at her armpit. Now she was behind me and put her arm on my shoulder for support and took it away as she balanced her but touch remains with me. I avoided all pitthole so she does not think badly of me. I drop her near bus stand and left. This became my weekly routine,

My exam finished now we were free to enjoy vacation as I was in 10 std. vaccation starter 15 early than remaining school me and my local friend use to play on school ground in summer vaccation as school was not on no one said anything. The whole school was deserted except the office some peons and teacher who had to finish paper examination. One day while playing I saw Miss V with some paper we smile she asked me about my board exam.

I asked dont she have vacation? She said she have result sheet to fill and in 2-3 days she will leave for her home town. I said if she need some help, I ment with papers and sheet to carry her appartment but she thought with mark sheet and she said yes. When we reach her room she gave me water and I was about to leave she ask me why are leaving arnt you helping me with results we had laugh at this I had to say yes again. With my help job was getting done faster she had all paper/wark done and

I was filling the result in sheet with she double cheking my work. While this we use to make joke mostly her as she after all was my teacher not friend. After 3 hours we wre done with 50 mark sheets out of 116 she thank me and said we will do remaining next day. She phone mess to deliver two tiffine at her house. We had lunch together. She started asking about my futer plans she advice me about good collage.

She thought I must be exiting about collage, I was nervous mostly talking to her but she open up to me. But my mind was plying tricks with me I was looking at her lips and chest all the time she was unknown to these things in 2 days we finish the remaining work. She gave me choclets for my help and said come to her for any help he need for collage she hugged me and this made intoxicated her har smell like coconut but with hint of rose hair spay.

Then I went town for my jc Miss V and I never cross each other for 2 years. After my 12 exam I was prepering for my cet. I joined coachig to my suprise miss V was there she was teaching geogrophy for 9, 10 study in coaching class. She greated me as friend not student in 2 years I had grown in height and in muscle. She said she was impressing with what I had done with my body. I said she looks same the way she looks. She gave me her cell number and told me to call her in evening. I was in two minds to call her or not.

As i was in relation ship and seeing her might arise all hidden felling for her. I decided mot to call her but next day she found me took my cell number and fixed meeting. She asked a lot of question she toldme she got engaged but marrige got cancelled as groom didnt like her working after marriage. I said sorry and any way that it’s hi loss. She had nice glow in eys by my answer. So do you have any girlfriend and I lied no with un easy silance.

She said I should stay for lunch I said I’m not hungry and I have to go. She just said sit boy and laugh. She said we will order some pizza and then he may go. I ask about school. She said its ok but coaching is paying her double that of school in vacation maybe more in her work full time.and she may opt to teach here full time. I told her she most straight headed women he have ever met and for no reason she started to cry and and hugged me.

I also reciprocated by closing her in my arm she just said thank you and we remain that way for 5 mins as her sob got quiter but her breathing got heavier. She broke away from me and looks in my eys and touches her small pink lips on her mine it was not deep but just light feel of her lips on mine. Sill it was more than any thing I had experiance in my life. I broke the sensual kiss and told her that I lied and she put her finger on my lips and said hush

I know you are seeing someone your eys gave that away now just enjoy this. She took my upper lips and I took hers lower this went on for five min. She ash me had u ever had sex with my girlfriend. I said no only kissing and touching boob. Miss said good job in kissing. She was to be my first my teacher. I told her does she remember in map class she she uses to teach us with elbow on desk that use to give us view of her boobs that was my first time mastributed in my life. She stared to gigle and said this will be more mamorable than that day. Tell me how you like story I will continue on my next story.

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