Kinky Adventures Of My Life – Part 5

lifeistoenjoy 2015-04-22 Comments

This story is part of a series:

Hey guys KINKEY MONSTER here, regarding my writings.. I must not be doing this Being a Civil servant, but I do not propagate anti social activities. It is just tactical usage of tricks combined with exhibition of love and lust to take down women.

However I should also not be abetting crimes done when my suggestion was interpreted mischievously or used for other anti social activities. Hence I have not replied to many of the mails sent to me by readers asking for tips and suggestions. As I already mentioned, you will be in much safer position if you do with consent after clearly obtaining positive signals.

Anyways coming back to this episode.. It is just a sexual encounter without penetration, if you are still interested in reading the story go ahead as you may get tips and tricks which many of you wanted.

After making a HATRICK successful attempts of taking down the Tamarind girl, the cook and Secretary I have to mention here that… It was really easier than i thought It would be!Although I didnt get any further chance to fuck the Secretary But the tamarind girl of course favored me multiple times!

As i was bubbling with confidence and enthusiasm I started to think of further extending my LIST. I noted down various ladies I can take down but was also aware of not spoiling the beautiful relationships they were already having with their family. Hence I shortlisted those who have troubled relationships, fucked up lives and also fun loving ladies who would be willing to enjoy.

I further thought of limiting the list to Unknown people outside the family since I didnt want incest and embarrassing situations in future. But sometimes lifeisNOTwhatwedefine.Although I maintained certain principles but I had to give them up when situation fully favored for the thing.

This episode is about my cousin who is almost 8-9yrs older to me. Although she went against many of my principles like.. she has two kids, no troubled life, husband stays with her and she is my close relative! Though we are close relations we have met only countable times. Hence I never included her in the List but she happened to come into the list due to some inevitable Quota.

She was in love with one close relative of ours but they didn’t marry due to opposition from her family because he was a useless man. So hers was an arranged marriage and her husband is not a handsome guy, definitely.

Her body language and looks are all not so homely as what an Indian family girl should be having.

Since I am in a high post I purposefully didnt not give my contact number and also my house address to any of my relatives. But It so happened that one day when I was in office my mom called me to inform the arrival of the cousin (sister)to my house.

Basically I dont like relatives coming to my house! i scolded my mom for having provided them an opportunity to come here which could be avoided! That too they are coming on a Friday evening.

I reluctantly went home and around 6 in the evening they both, my sister and her husband came.

Before I grew to this position I have seen him only 2-3 times and also he never gave me much importance, but now he behaved as if we were close friends. I just cut him short whenever he licked too much.

They were to take the train next evening but they will be leaving my house that evening itself.

Suddenly this man got a call that his mom met with an accident. The place was city in another state. So He immediately rushed to railway station along with her, but they couldnt get seats even in tatkal as it was festival time.

He informed me of the situation over phone and pleaded for help and wanted to catch the earliest train anyhow. I didnt want to use EQ(emergency quota) but because he looked terrible when he rushed to the station I pitied him and arranged for an EQ in my name. Since a minister too had put EQ I got only one seat( It was Rajdhani train) so he alone decided to leave and she will catch the train they already booked for the next evening.

He thanked me for the seat over phone and requested for her stay at MY PLACE for a day. He pleaded terribly even after I said OK, (after all I LOVE LADIES) and also showered multiple thanks For the seat and allowing the stay; along with few sorrys for the inconvenience.

My SATANic Sperm got activated!!!

I thought it was a bad evening but eventually It turned out to be one of the memorable evenings.

I never really felt her as a sister-relation to me because we were as good as strangers. As I already mentioned, we have not been close, not even through phone. Hence She never appeared to me in a respectable sister like position.

My Perverted mind began to make plans and my dick became Hulk even for just thinking of the events to happen in the evening.

After some 30min she came back. She seemed very much calm and never spoke anything about the incident that just happened. She only asked me If I was okay with the stay and what was for the dinner and who will prepare it!!

She then began to watch TV, meanwhile I had already asked the Tamarind girl not to appear like staying in my house whenever my relatives(my sibling and my family) take a visit and she shall occupy the servant room along with cook. This was to make them not look weird or become suspicious to the extend of asking about it.

The arrangement has now taken a favorable turn. So the tamarind girl or cook didnt interfere with our time together. As she was watching TV I joined her and sat in the same sofa. She was occasionally asking some random questions not worth mentioning.

Btw Let me describe her, she is slim, aged around31, height around 5’7″ft, fair, some what beautiful face, have curves but no big ass or boobs. Those are very compact and small. She was wearing a red Salwar that day.

Any unknown person seeing her will mistake her for a college student, she will be looking that young. She used to laugh and smile frequently like a pervert while talking she will give a quick glance at my groin or anyone’s groin for that matter. So she loves Cocks. And I love Chicks.

As we were talking she started to ask uncomfortable questions about my life, idea about marriage, if i love anyone, about my girlfriends etc. She used to ask questions like these even when i was in college.

She then wanted to see my phone for which I didnt accept so she started teasing if I have any Secrets in it. I could’ve ended it there by saying it had confidential and official info, but i wanted it move further hence was simply resisting without providing reasons. As we were doing this suddenly I got a message in my phone in whatapp from somebody, hence this increased her curiosity even further and she was almost trying to take it away from my hand.

We were like pulling and manhandling the phone; of course ourselves too in the process.I quickly put my other hand around her in the pretext of taking my phone and was crushing, pushing and pulling her violently.

This continued for some good 15min. If somebody sees this from somewhere they would think that I was trying to rape her. Her hairs all got mangled and she seemed to be enjoying it too, of course my Hulk was at his full shape.I almost let her take the phone from my hand so as to make the fight last even longer. In order to seem like I was trying to take the phone, I pulled her towards me with a sudden force which made her to fall on me and she was almost sitting on my lap with my dick crushed behind her back.

I was also crushing her boobs with both of our hands which she should have realised and also seemed to have got turned on because her body temperature rose way more than normal.

I said “You are getting HOT” she was like “huh!? what!?” –

I replied “Your body seems like getting hotter, I mean the temperature..! ” She said “okay dont change the topic. I will not give the phone unless I see who the girl is “-

I said “There is No girl!”.

She asked “Then allow me to see your phone. I have decided not to give back your phone unless I see for myself. And dont try diverting the topic by doing useless tricks. I wont give the phone, go AHEAD WITH WHATEVER YOU CAN DO” while still in the same position, she was not on my lap now but on the sofa. Although I was crushing our hands against her boobs in a backward hugging position.

Btw This last sentence of hers turned me on. So I decided to move a little further.

I said If you dont give me” I will BITE your ears!!” She laughed and said “I dont think you can, go ahead.. lets see”-

I warned her that I really meant it. She didnt seemed to care and that was actually making me want to do it.

She was all the while smiling and trying to tickle me by brushing her hair against my face. She clearly became hyper excited and wasnt behaving even a little matured as how you would expect from a mother of two.

She smelled super sexy, her hair smelled like tropical jasmine and I love the smell of jasmine. It will turn on any male when it comes from female body.

I then told her “I love the smell, the smell of your hair” .. she said “Oh?? what else”-

Her bra straps have now been exposed too much into the bare portion of her shoulders.

I said “Your red straps are visible, you adjust it and then we shall continue with the fight, what do you say!?”-

She looked at it and said “I am not gonna give up, I dont bother unless it came off. And dont use silly tricks, I was expecting more from an big guy like you”. …she was clearly hitting on me.

“What if I remove it?” i quickly added before she could end the sentence.

She said “You will not do it my dear, If you take your hands off me I will run away, you cant proceed to take it off” and she LAUGHED !-

It was too much for me. Hence I swiftly took one of my hands and tried to insert into her SALWAR. She didnt even take that seriously and was laughing all the while and now she bent her knees pressing against her neck in full-squat position to prevent my hand going further inside.

I decided to lift her by taking the other hand around her thighs but she didn’t allow me do it. When I proceeded to lift her anyway she shook her body because of which I slipped on the floor and she too fell over me. As she did she rested her hand on my fully erect COCk. It gave a sudden PAIN as it also crushed my balls. I got arrogant and rolled over her and gave her a very tight LIP LOCK!

She was shrinking her face and tried to close her mouth as hard as possible but she was also clinching her hands on my ass.My Phone was lying somewhere on the ground, abandoned.I felt that I had rushed through, hence I didnt do anything further and was just trying to enter her mouth with my tongue forcefully which she didnt allow. We stayed in that position for some 30 secs, when the heat subsided she pushed me away from her gently. Taking the cue I took off from her.

She too got up and sat on the sofa silently. When I tried to sit next to her, she stood up and tried to go somewhere but I caught her wrist and asked Sorry. She did not say anything and slowly sat next to me , but looked scared and her facial expression was totally terrible.

She suddenly gave a loud laugh and said m I GOT YOUR PHONE!” . And was waving the phone away from me. I was very happy that she was not hurt by my sudden outburst and I smiled satisfactorily.

She said “But dont kiss like you are trying to eat the girl, you should Be gentle (my name)”-

I was “Oh like how? could you Teach me”-

She said “Oh Mr Over=-smart, expecting another one? Be happy that i didn’t make this as an issue!” and gave a weird smile-

As she said I quickly took away my phone from her. She immediately pounced on me and I extended the phone too far from her.

She kept her hand in an about-to-grab position and declared “If you don’t give it back I will scramble the eggs and kill the animal!” pointing to my fully erect dick making a big tent-

“Do whatever!” i said-

She grabbed the rim (the elastic)of the tracks like she is about to enter, as a cue that she was serious. As she was doing, my Penis was rubbing her wrist and she was also moving her hand with that intention.

I boldly told her “Instead of rubbing it as if to make it look like unintentional move, you can give a real hand job it will be much better”-

She was like “OMG… did you just say that!??”… in an apparent shocked tone. “This is very rude (my name) I didnt expect this from you!! You sound awful” as she slowly took her hands away from my tracks and coming back to her normal state from Hyper-excitation.

She added “We should not be doing all this, I am sorry” As she was speaking she couldnt take her eyes off my tent. “Im going away, You still seem excited. I feel terrible. I am your sister and you should not get such a desire on me”

I replied by breaking my silence While allowing her to speak at length.. “Im Sorry too, you just started this and I think you should share the mistake too. We were not close anytime before hence I apparently didnt get the feel for considering you as a sister which will command respect. You only appeared as an acquaintance to me”

She said “OK. Whatever, I am much older than you. You should not have done this. but Let us keep this between us and promise me not to disclose this to anyone”

“Of course I wont and you too dont ” i quickly added.

It was dinner time, we both sat to have dinner. While we were having food she looked impatient and uncomfortable, I didnt ask about it but occasionally stared at her which she very well noticed.

She looked damn sexy when she was staring back as if she was angry, she didnt know that the look appeared sexy and dick raising to me. After I finished I quickly turned away from her as I was unable to hide my erection and proceeded to bathroom. Some water had dropped near my groin while I was washing my hands, so when I came out she asked “What were you doing inside!??” shriking her face.

I replied “Would anyone want to know what someone did inside bathroom? do you ask like this to everyone??”

She said “No, you appear to have done something weird and it clearly shows in your pants” as she took off from the chair, after finishing her food.

I clarified “Oh this! its just water”. For which she gave a smirking face and said something to herself softly while staring at me.

I then sat on the sofa checking out my phone while She went inside the bathroom with her Purse, and came back after few min. I Now asked what she was doing.

She said “That is too rude to ask a girl. Do you mind if I dont want to answer this” as she came to sit in the sofa.

I asked “come on, why are you talking like this?? It is all over and we are back to normal. You too did weird stuff at that time , hence forget it and come back to normal. please? ”

She again smirked and started to watch TV. She still appeared damn sexy and I wanted to at least dedicate a masturbation while looking at her. I thought of fixing a cam in bathroom so that I can record her bath. But I declined it for some reason and wanted to do it when she is aware of my doing.

I deliberately was staring at her while she was watching TV, in a well practiced sexy look of mine, until she looks at me. After few moments when she looked.. she was like “OMG what are you staring at!?” …I was clearly staring only at her face and she was just exaggerating it.

She asked “What do you want (my name)!!?? You are making me all the more uncomfortable. Really. The way you look at me is totally inappropriate, what are you trying to do now”

I said “I just gave a casual look and please dont make this silly thing as an issue. And Sorry. I am going to my room you have your time and you can sleep in the room next to mine. There is mattress and other things inside the wardrobe. Sorry again” as I said this she seemed a little normal and gave a pitiable expression.I dashed into my room with her “PURSE” :D

(I carried it boldly in my hand which she didnt take notice of but I felt she saw it )

I sat on my bed and checked its contents. Inside of it, it had a small plastic pouch and there was her used napkin in it!! I sniffed it like A drug-addict, it gave a mixture of blood and urine smell. I only sniffed but didnt lick it.

My cock again became rock hard as I was about to masturbate the phone inside her purse started to ring, Quickly I put the napkin and everything inside and opened the door to give her the purse as she was tracing for the sound. She ran towards my door grabbed the purse and quickly attended the call. She spoke for few min and then knocked my door. When I opened she asked if she can come inside, I welcomed her to my room. She scanned my room and said “yeah It’s good, Your room” as she walked.

She slowly asked if I scanned her purse.. I told ” I took it without my knowledge and realised only after I came here. I didnt want to come back to you hence I decided to leave and give it back to you in the morning” while I was saying this she opened her purse, took the plastic pouch and threw it on me and said “I dont keep this shit at the place where YOU kept…!!!”

“Just tell me what you did with it? ” she asked.

I went silent and then marched very close to her, as I did she started stepping back until she hit the wall. I kept my hands on the walls and she was between my hands. She appeared to have taken a submissive position with my move.

I then whispered “I sniffed your blood and piss soaked napkin pad and I loved it”

She gave a soft “OOhhh..!??” as she looked directly into my eyes, she appeared to have got frozen under my hypnotism and faintly asked “what are you gonna do now??” still with the same expression.

I gently went closer to her face, rubbed my lips against hers and sucked her lower lips as I gently grabbed her ass. When I was lifting her salwar top and tried to dig my hands inside her salwar pants She faintly said “Please …dont go there, I am on my periods…and you know it ”

I respected her words and asked “Not even ass??”. She said “NO!”.

I then went for boobs but it was not even Grabbable hence I Decided to take off her salwar and make her topless.

She too was cooperating, as I lifted her salwar along with PUSH UP bra she lifted her hands up. She had very small tits, like those of Pornstar ZASHA. But What to do with it, I am not so much into boobs and also this one is not even big so I decided to do a mouth fuck.

I put her on the bed and teased her nipples with my lips while rubbing her groin. Since she was wearing a pad I could not sense her holes but was just doing it to give her some pleasure. After I did, I pulled out my dick and asked her to give a hand job, she looked surprised!

She said “I am your Sister! But anyway I will do it this time ” giving an tired look she reluctantly grabbed my dick. Though she said this, she got very much involved in stroking and gave the best Hand job ever. While stroking she rubbed my balls and said “this will prolong the job and you will cum only lately”.

“Oh I didn’t know it! ” Lesson noted.

“Can I take it in the mouth!??” she asked. I was like “Oh sure, I wanted to dig it in if you didn’t”

She gave a weird look with a smile and pushed me to lie on the bed and she came over me. She then Started to give an excellent blowjob like a pro. I rubbed the back of her head while she was eating my penis. I didnt know if she will take my cum in her mouth, so I didnt give any expression when I was reaching my climax.

When I was about to cum I pushed her mouth and gagged her while unloaded my Satanic Semen into her mouth. She turned wild and swore me while coughing. She was also giving an about-to-vomit sign but managed with it.

She then reached my face and spit all the semen I unloaded in her mouth on my face and also gave a tight lip lock to fully complete the nasty play. Technically speaking she was exchanging my semen and also our saliva. It felt it all the more nastier.

We then began our spiting and tickling game as she was sitting on me and I was lying on the bed. When I was dominating the game she suddenly came out Vomiting all over me!!! It smelled like shit, I forcefully grabbed her giving a tight hug to make her soil with her shitty vomit. Before she could react I carried her to the bathroom and disrobed her. Surprisingly she didnt hesitate much because even she couldn’t take the smell of her vomit.

We then had a nice nude shower and btw she had a dark brown pussy with a nice outgrown labia (again similar to Zasha). I loved it. But she neither allowed me to taste nor touch it.
We then came back, dried ourselves.

She declined my request to stay naked that night and also to sleep with me in the same bed. She said “I know what you will try to do with me in the middle of the night, so you stay alone.Please!!” “We already crossed the line too much”

I too realised because of my After Ejaculation Temperament. WE then went back to our respective beds and slept.

The next morning I got up very late, when I came from my room I was nude and the cook was cleaning the dining table. As she saw me She said “Sir, the lady is in the house!! Dress yourself sir!! ”

I acted like I forgot and dressed up and came to the drawing hall to find her grim- faced.

I wished her Good Morning. The first thing she said was “We did a sin. I am not gonna talk to you. Let us not talk hereafter. ”

I cooly said “Ok”

She turned back to TV. We didnt speak much except for few basic things and she was all the day watching TV and slept in the afternoon. In the evening when she was packing to leave, I found the napkin pouch still on my bed.

She then called me after getting ready. I said I’ll drop you in the car for which she refused.

I caught her by hand, making her sit on the sofa and said “I Love you (her name) ever since you took me for a ride in your cycle when I was a small boy. I still remember the feel of your hip that you asked me to hold for the balance. That was the first time I ever touched a girl like that. Since then I always had some crazy feeling towards you. I am sorry for the last night episode. Here is your Napkin”

She listened to all these with full attention and when I finished she gave a friendly slap and said “Have it with you KINKY boy I love You too” and she gave a small kiss on the cheek and said “Drop me before it gets too late”

We went to the station and while we were about to get down, she asked “is that all???” and blankly looked at my Face. “I was expecting a lip-kiss at the house itself” as she said I went near her and she too came closer and we gave one passionate kiss she ever gave lasting for almost 3-4min!

When we came back to our senses, we proceeded to the station, found the berth and I waited till the train moved… She then messaged “I Love You (my name) but we shall not message anymore. Take care. Good night ”

—The End—

For feedbacks on narration mail to [email protected]

Sub tag: Kinky Sex

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