A Gay Encounter With Older Man

ISS Admin 2012-10-06 Comments

Hey lovable readers and I will bring you the latest of story stuff and will keep on publishing here. All the stories I’ll publish will b purely fictional and won’t be resemblance to any person and have fun reading it and do reply me on. [email protected]

When I was barely eighteen and still a virgin I was sent to a Mr. Samuels for extra maths coaching of course and I looked much younger and enjoyed teasing people into thinking I was and with my flowing blond locks and cherubic features looked like I could be.

Mr. Samuels, my teacher, was in his early forty’s a strange looking man who smelt faintly of mothballs and who lived alone in a rambling house in the old town of Eastbourne. He was also very keen on physical exercise and the body beautiful, had many magazines on the subject strewn around the house.

One particular evening after our lesson he brought me a glass of ginger beer and a plate of biscuits. Good lesson today, Stuart very good indeed have a ginger biscuit, in fact have two. It would seem you’re grasping the basic steps of our subject much more fluently than you were when we first started but I’m worried about your posture, though.

Why, Mr. Samuels?’ I asked you don’t hold yourself properly, Stuart. You slouch too much. A good looking young lad like you should be more upright more erect much more erect. He nervously began fumbling about in the bottom drawer of his desk and produced a well-thumbed photographic magazine.

This is what I mean, Stuart look at these lads, see how they hold themselves upright. I know they’re wearing only very few clothes very scanty briefs but you can see what I mean, can’t you, Stuart? Pause you can understand why I needed to show you these photos, can’t you?’

Mr. Samuels turned the pages slowly frozen tableau’s of semi-nude young guys stared up at me. Many were lying in very unusual positions or standing on secluded beaches or up against trees. I was at a loss as to know what to say. Nice firm bodies, don’t you think? Nice and slender.

You could look like that, Stuart, if you put your mind to it. It’s all a matter of deportment and will power. Pause, I hope you’re not offended by those photos, Stuart and I’d be shocked if you were. I hope you’re not and I think they’re artistic. I think I should be going now, Mr. Samuels, if you don’t mind.’

Of course, Stuart and I quite understand why not take the magazine borrow it until next week and something to think about when you’re alone and tucked up in bed, eh? I think not, Mr. Samuels but thanks all the same quite understand, Stuart, quite understand see you next Monday and have a really good look at the Equations on pages 6 to 7.

I shall be testing you on those and don’t forget, stand up straight, that’s a good lad. I cycled home that evening feeling a little strange. I found the photos disturbing yet at the same time intriguing and didn’t quite know why. I’d never seen anything like them before.

The following week’s lesson with Mr. Samuels was difficult to concentrate on, as I kept imagining how he had reacted when he first looked at the photos and whether his interest in them was something other than just physical posture.

I fear you weren’t quite on the ball today, Stuart but still, good, very good has a ginger biscuit and tell me about your week. Have you been watching your physique, looking after your body as I suggested? I’m sure you have.’ Yes, thank you Mr. Samuels.’

Good, I’m delighted Pause and I knew that magazine would be useful for you to see. You did find it useful, didn’t you? I hope you did oooh, yes, very useful Mr. Samuels, thank you. Good, good Pause there’s something else I’d like to show you, something I think you’ll find quite helpful too.

I certainly do you’ll have to come up stairs if you want to see it, as it’s hidden under a mountain of things. But I think you’ll find it interesting, if nothing else bring another biscuit. I didn’t say a word but curiously followed Mr. Samuels into the hall and up the stairs into what I presumed was his bedroom.

Huge amounts of clothes hung over the backs of chairs and in various corners were assortments of books piled high in teetering formation. He scrambled inside his bedside table drawer and produced another magazine, a slightly larger one this time and handed it to me.

I sat next to Mr. Samuels on the edge of his bed and slowly turned the pages. These are more picturesque, aren’t they Stuart? (Pause) Shows how we can develop and enjoy our bodies much more than just lying about on beaches and things like that. What do you think?’

The first photo I looked at was of two lads with their legs crossed over each other and their mouths touching. One of the guy’s hands was touching the other they’ve got nice bodies, haven’t they Stuart. Don’t you think so? (Pause) You mustn’t be ashamed to agree, if you think so.

When you see something really beautiful and perfect, surely it’s to be admired and enjoyed, isn’t it? I bet you have a nice firm body, Stuart when I was your age I would enjoy my body in several ways, especially if there was someone else there as well.

Mr. Samuels placed his hand on my knee and began to stroke it thoughtfully. His touch was soft and exciting and I could feel waves running through me like I’d never experienced before. If this troubles you then I’ll stop. Do you want me to stop, Stuart?

I was too shy to respond and just pretended that nothing untoward was happening. Mr. Samuels looked at me and smiled. He brushed aside a piece of hair that had fallen across my left eye and ran his fingers down my cheek.

You have such nice delicate skin his hand was now rubbing itself across my stomach easing itself under my shirt and across my navel and I like lads with soft skins makes it so enjoyable to stroke.’

I was now hard and wet and I could sense my breathing changing as he began unbuttoning my flies and running his fingers across my swelling. Young lads are so nice, Stuart, so nice. They smell differently and taste good too.’

I lay back and allowed him to ease my pants down to my ankles exposing my throbbing penis to his touch. His face lit up with pleasure as he examined it carefully, controlling every stroke delicately as though wanting to give me as much pleasure as he could.

I closed my eyes hoping that it would soon all pass I sensed his hot breath then his tongue and then his lips playing with my member. It was wonderful.

I hope you’re enjoying yourself, Stuart. I do hope so. This is what men like to do to with each other. It makes them happy and warm. Are you feeling happy and warm?’

I nodded, my eyes still firmly closed, as he pulled my foreskin back and forth in a gentle circling movement. Then his mouth was upon it again. He sucked hard and deep fingering my anal passage at the same time. I could feel myself about to burst and didn’t know what to say. Suddenly he stopped.

Stuart, I hope you’re not offended by what I’m doing. I only want to make you happy. You have such a nice penis, especially for one so young. I want to pleasure it and make you happy. Don’t be embarrassed at the results.’
As he spoke I could sense the rustle of clothes as he began to undo his trousers and slide down his pants.

You don’t have to do anything if you don’t want. But I just wanted to share my arousal with you as well.’ He leant forward and taking my hand placed it on his throbbing member. It was huge and warm. The very touch excited me even more and I allowed him to ease my fingers around the shaft and teach me how to play with it.

I had never been so excited. Samuels obviously sensed this as well as he began to crawl over me and rubbed his tool across my mouth. Just open your mouth slightly, Stuart, there’s a good lad. You are a good lad. I always knew you would be and that we could have fun together sometimes.’

Slowly he eased the head of his cock into my mouth. It tasted salty and warm and inviting just use your soft lips, Stuart, and run your tongue up and down the side. That’s right. You’re sucking so well. I knew you’d like this and you do like it don’t you?

Now, put your hand behind me and finger me in the same way that I did you. I followed his instructions to the gaping hole of his warm arse. It was hairy and damp and as I fingered it I could feel his cock grow more and more in my mouth.

Goodness, Stuart, I didn’t expect that we’d go so far on our first meeting. You are good. I must introduce you to Daniel he’s beautiful like you, around the same age too. He also has a lovely firm soft body which I like to aah just then Mr. Samuels quickly withdrew from my mouth as a long stream of hot liquid leapt across my chest. He smiled and climbed away.

You’re very good Stuart and now why don’t you just lie back and relax while I make you happy as well. I did as he said and once again felt the warmth of his mouth and tongue work its way up and down my swollen cock. He wet his finger and inserted it into my crack, licked down to my balls and breathed in the aroma. I felt myself lose control as I filled his mouth with my hot warm liquid. My Monday sessions were never quite the same again.

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