The best christmas gift

ISS Admin 2010-02-14 Comments

Doreen was a class mate of mine at the university college. When I first met her, I thought, “wow! What a beautiful girl!” she was an Anglo Indian and thus had the best of both worlds. Fair skin of her father and sharp beautiful features of an Indian mother. And if you saw her, you would probably think the same thing. Long black hair, very skinny, very sexy looking. I thought she was unattached when i first met her, but it turned out that she was engaged to be married, so i kept my distance, not that i expected her to be sexually attracted towards me. We were leagues apart! I was not someone who would be called as handsome and was quite dark in complexion. We shared most of the classes and thus saw quite a bit of each other. We were also involved in the debating society. But nothing would prepare me for what happened during the christmas break when she invited me to stay at her family home where she was living because i didn’t have anybody else to spend it with. I was from overseas and it was too expensive for me to go home for the short holidays. It was christmas day. It was a day no different from any other day for me in my single room at the college hostel. I was alone, but i was excited, because doreen rang me the previous night and had invited me to spend christmas with her and her family. I figured, “hey that’s great! I won’t be alone this year.” and alone, i wasn’t. It was all planned out. Doreen would stay behind and prepare for christmas dinner, and her fiancé ravi would come across town and pick me up in his scooter. So, until he arrived, i just sat on my computer playing around on the internet. Had a lot of fun. Finally ravi came and picked me up. He was a nice enough chap. I gathered that he was working in a bank. I sensed that he wanted to find out what was the relationship between doreen and me. Without making a big issue of it, i told him that we were more like siblings and she always had a soft corner for me and looked after my interests as i was far away from home. When we arrived at their place, doreen’s sister and mum were running around the kitchen trying to get the christmas lunch ready. Her father passed away two years before. Ravi asked where doreen was, and her sister said she had gone out to do some last minute shopping. While everybody was running around getting stuff done, ravi put on some christmas music on the stereo, and i just sat down on the couch in the living room and stared at the beautiful tree that they had decorated. It was so beautiful. I had never seen anything like it in my entire life. It had regular ornaments on it and sashes and tinsel and all that stuff on it, just like a regular tree, but it also had these really pretty green and red bows and ribbons on it. I told ravi that it was really cute, and he said, “you like that? Doreen did that.” i was impressed. Within about 10 or 15 minutes, the rest of the family showed up. Doreen’s aunt and another sister with few kids. The place was beginning to look like a regular party. It actually seemed fun to be there. I was actually enjoying myself. And it got even better when doreen showed up. She blazed through the door with bags and packages in her hands. Man did she ever look good! I stood up and followed her into the kitchen she was very happy to see me and gave me kiss on my cheek. It was really nice and i could smell the perfume she was wearing. After that, i just stood there in the living room for a while watching her go around the kitchen preparing dinner. She was wearing the tightest white pants i had ever seen. They were so tight you could actually see the impression of her undies she had underneath. The top she had was equally tight fitting showing off her curves. I was really enjoying myself just standing there watching her. We all opened our presents; doreen got me a cd which she knew i liked. Then we had the dinner. It was fabulous. We all had lots to drink. Afterwards we had board games and it was good fun. It was getting late. Some of the family left. Ravi and i helped in cleaning up the house. We put the ornaments away and took down the tree. By the time we finished cleaning up everybody was too tired and it was getting late for ravi to take me home, so doreen told me that i could sleep in one of the bedrooms and ravi would take me home in the morning. I was more than happy as i was enjoying the company of the family and didn’t want to get back to my lonely hostel room, and i went to my allocated room, closed the door and turned off the light and went to sleep. I was wondering whether doreen and ravi would sleep together. It made me a bit jealous at the thought of them having sex. What an idiot i am. They are engaged to be married. Of course it would be natural for them to sleep together. But i also noticed that there was not much of obvious affection between them as i would have expected between two engaged couples. But i could have been imagining things.

Early hours of the morning i was woken by some noise. I realised that it was an argument between two people; i soon recognised the voices – doreen and ravi. I couldn’t hear all the conversation but i could gather from the tone that ravi was angry about some thing and doreen was trying to pacify him. I heard my name being mentioned and ravi making derogatory remarks about how dark i was. It is true i was quite a bit on the dark side; but the colour of my skin never bothered me, in fact. Soon i heard the door closing loudly and there was silence. I must have gone back to sleep. Suddenly i became aware of some one creeping next into my bed. Half asleep, i turned around and i got the most incredible surprise of my life when i was pleasantly awakened by an arm around me and a nice sensuous kiss on my lips. I opened my eyes and saw doreen laying next to me in her blue silk nightgown. I sat up and said, “what are you doing here?” but all she did was put her finger to her lips and say “shhhh”, and she laid me back down on the bed and put her head on my chest and put her arm around me and just laid there. I didn’t quite know what to do right then and there as i was so surprised by her actions. Never in a million years did i ever think she would actually resort to cheating on her fiancé, of all people but with me. All we were doing at that moment was lying in bed together, but i was pretty certain it would go further than that because she was moving her arm up and down my belly to my chest, and each time her hand reached my belly, it would go a little further down. She was staring into my eyes the whole time. I was getting incredibly aroused by what she was doing.

“does that feel good?” She asked me.

“yeah, it does.” I smiled at her.

“how about this?” She said as she ran her hand down the front of my

Shorts and cupped by balls and started gently squeezing them.

I let out a gasp and started to breath heavy. She apparently liked my reaction, because after she squeezed my balls a few times, and noticed that my cock was getting extremely hard; she pulled it out of my shorts and began stroking it gently at first, but then a little harder as my reactions to what she was doing started to arouse her. She would say things like, “ooooh do you like that?” and of course i would reply whenever i could get a breath, “mmmmmm yes…. Don’t stop…..”, and she would reply with, “i won’t.” God it was such an incredible experience. By the time i realized it, she had got my cock very hard while she was playing with it. I went through the roof and into the clouds when the next thing i knew, her lips were around my cock and she was literally swallowing it. By this point i was so surprised at what she did, i let out another gasp and lifted my head and began watching my rock hard cock disappearing into her mouth and down her throat. She was good at it and gave me the impression that she has done it quite a few times. She would momentarily look up at me as she continued sucking me off, and she would smile and play with the head of my cock with her tongue and then i would see it disappear down her throat again. Oh man, watching my cock disappear into her mouth just turned me on so much that it wasn’t long before i filled her mouth with my juices, letting out light screams here and there. Not loud enough to wake anybody up though. I knew that ravi has left the house otherwise i am sure he’d kill both of us. But that’s what was so erotic about it. I don’t know what it was, but watching her perform sexual acts on me instead of her own fiancé was just a huge turn on. When she was finished, she lay down next to me again and began playing with my balls again. I had to do something for her. I mean she was nice enough to come into the bedroom and get me off; i just had to do something for her. So i sat up. She had no idea what i was about to do, but i guess she kind of had some idea that i was going to do something to her, cause when i sat up and began to move down to the foot of the bed, she scooted to the middle of the bed and laid on her back and spread her legs. I guess her thought i was going to get on top of her and fuck her. Of course that was my plan at first, but when i saw the beautiful sexy curves of her feet, i just had to lick them. I don’t know about anybody else, but i believe a foot fetish is the most erotic thing in the world to have, and it’s quite exhilarating. I mean, you lick a woman’s feet and suck on her toes, she’ll start screaming. And as i ran my tongue from the heel of her left foot up to the tip of her big toe, she grabbed the pillow and buried her face in it and started screaming as loud as she could. It was a good thing she had done that, because if she had screamed without it, others at home would have heard her and come running and we would have been caught. After i was done licking her feet and sucking her toes, i moved closer to her pelvic area and just stared between her legs wide eyed. Either she took her panties off just for this occasion, or she doesn’t wear any under garments under her nightgown. When she spread her legs i could see all that hair on her pussy, and i just had to go for it. I didn’t see the look on her face as i lifted up her nightgown and buried my face between her legs and started lapping away at that sweet pussy of hers, but i’ll bet it

Was a look of both surprise and ecstasy. I was too busy sucking her clit and pushing my tongue in and out of her slit to look up and see her facial reactions as i continued with what i was doing, but i could hear her moaning softly as she was getting closer and closer to orgasm. And i think i sent her through the roof and into the clouds when i took one last lick and then as hard as i could, shoved my tongue deep inside her and began moving it around. It wasn’t long before she got to moaning so hard, that with one final silent scream, she blew her juices down my throat. When i was finished, my jaw was in pain from wildly licking her, so i just crawled up next to her and laid my head on her stomach and began squeezing her soft plump breasts. She put her arm around me and allowed me to continue. This went on for about 10 minutes. I looked into her eyes as i slowly ran my hand up and down her chest, and began seeing her facial expressions. I smiled at her and said, “are you alright?” she smiled back at me and in a soft voice she said, “mmmm, oh yes. I’m just wonderful. I… I just never felt like this before.” “like what?” i asked her. “well when ravi and i make love, i end up going to sleep unfulfilled at night, because it seems sex turns him on so much that he blows his wad before i even get a chance to get excited. With you, it’s a whole new world.”

“do you like this?” I asked as i put my left leg around her and got on top of her and pulled the shoulder straps of her nightgown down, revealing her large plumb breasts. “ooooh yes.” she said. And that’s all i needed to hear as i leaned down and took her right nipple in between my teeth and started lightly nibbling on it. She let out a few soft moans and her whole body began to shake all over.

“oh … Oh … I’m cumming. Oooh… Mmmmmmmm!!!!” Was all i heard her say. And to give herself more leverage or something, she wrapped her arms and legs around my body and squeezed as hard as she could, and i suddenly felt something warm and silky squirting all over my belly. She tasted so sweet before, that i decided to go down for seconds as i licked every drop off of the sheets and off of her.

By this time, my cock was rock hard again and was ready for something new. And she knew this. “now it’s my turn.” Was all i heard her say as she sat up, scooted over, and pushed me down on my back and straddled my body. On her knees, she slowly scooted herself up closer so that my rock hard cock was positioned right under her hole. And she took it in her left hand and began to rub it up against her pussy. Oh man i was so turned on by this, i almost came right then and there. But she wouldn’t let me. Every time i showed a hint of excitement, she would stop for a few seconds,

And then start up again. She was driving me crazy, but that was okay, because i loved every minute of it.

“tell me what you want honey.” She said. I was so pleased that she called me ‘honey’.

“i want you.” I managed to say to her through all the soft moans i

Was letting out.

“ooooh you do huh…. And what would you like me to do?” She asked.

Apparently women like guys to tell them what they want them to do to them during sex. I myself never understood that concept, but i guess they need that sort of thing. So i told her exactly what i wanted her to do. I whispered, “i want you to fuck me.” and i reached up and slid my hands under her nightgown and began to squeeze her breasts.

“ooooh i’ll be glad to honey. I never thought you’d ask.” She said as she slowly lowered herself onto my cock. And as my hard shaft slid inside her, she threw her head back and let out a soft moan. I continued to squeeze her breasts harder and faster and she apparently liked that, because it made her move up and down faster on top of me.

“mmmmm!!! Mmmm fuck me sweet heart…. Fuck me!! Fuck my brains out.” i began whispering to her as i squeezed her breasts harder. She looked into my eyes and bit her lower lip and squinted as she moved up and down on me faster and faster. Every time she came down, i would push my cock up inside her and this got her even more excited. And i continued talking dirty to her.

“oooh honey, yes… That’s it… Mmmm i’ve always wanted to fuck you from the day i met you at college… Mmmmmm….”

And right before she squirted her juices all around my cock i heard her manage to say through all her moaning, “mmmm, what took you so long? All you had to do was ask.” god it was such a wonderful experience. And what got me so excited within the next few minutes that made me cum deep inside her was when she said, “ooooh baby, i want you to cum inside me… That’s it… Let it out… I want you to fill me with your sweet juices…” and finally with one last moan and thrust, i grabbed her hips and pulled her down and i rammed my cock deep into her. My cum came out in large spurts filling her pussy. I left it inside for a long time. When we were finished, the whole room smelled of sex; she had to go to the kitchen and get some air freshener and spray it around. And that was the end of it. We never did it again. We saw each other on and off for a few months at the college but the last time i talked to her, she told me that she was pregnant, and she was pretty sure it was mine. She then thanked me for the best ever christmas present any one has ever given and afterwards we never saw each other again as she took a year off to have the baby. I was told by mutual friends that she had the baby boy and fortunately for all concerned, from what i gathered from others, it was not as dark as i was. Of course she did get married to ravi. He must have thought it was his and thus married her before the baby was born. I finished my degree course before she came back to finish hers, if at all she ever did. Now and then i think about the child of mine growing up, not knowing his real father. Every time christmas comes around, i remember the lovely night i had with doreen.

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